Specific Contents

For whole university
Lecture subject
“Bamboo Design and the Global Environment”
Students will study the academic background of cultural information relating to bamboo and future prospects.

Practical subject
“Bamboo Design”
While researching the special features and processing methods of bamboo material, students will study Penrose tessellation, Fibonacci sequence, quasi-periodism, etc., apply bamboo to architecture, and make Japanese music instruments.

Special subjects
Department of Science of Design
Students will learn the basics of polyhedric structures and acquire knowledge of the mathematical principles relating to bamboo dome research and development and the construction and assembly technology, etc. thought to be necessary in implementation.

Students will develop dome designs for earthquake-disaster reconstruction in developing countries and daily product designs, propose products with refined styles for the world market, and produce them with the aim of stimulating the economic development of developing countries.

Department of Architecture
Students will produce sketches and models of buildings, furniture, etc. that take into consideration the potential of bamboo.

Students will design and make temporary housing, etc. for use at times of disaster and also design and produce free space using bamboo.

Department of Industrial, Interior, and Craft Design
Students will understand the methods of optimally utilizing the special features of materials in product design, learn about the present state of design development in developing countries, and study future possibilities. Specifically, they will design and make prototypes of furniture using bamboo material (chairs, desks, cupboards, etc.).

Special course, extracurricular course
Through the introduction of a special course and extracurricular course relating to the global environment and assistance for developing countries, lectures will be provided on the concepts of the sustainable society, the EDS system, and design instructors, which are the themes of the EDS Bamboo Design Project.

Open symposium
An open symposium on the “EDS Bamboo Design Project” will be held to report on the progress of the project, etc. and to have discussions among the panelists, who will consist of learned persons, government officials, and others in various fields relating to environmental problems and assistance to developing countries.