赤バー 黄バー

「絵の力 -絵の具の魔術-」展


 本江邦夫 多摩美術大学教授
 長沢秀之 本学油絵学科教授
 遠藤彰子 本学油絵学科教授
 斎藤國靖 本学油絵学科教授
 田中正之 本学造形文化・美学美術史教授(司会)


The Power of Paintings: The Magic of Pigments
Purpose: More than anything else, paintings express something. And, needless to say, paintings are drawn using pigments. If that is the case, then the pigments in paintings have an existence that goes beyond being simply physical tools. Pigments do not just have a physical existence but also bring out a painting's expression. Perhaps it can be said that part of the attraction of a painting is hidden in this "magic" change. How is it that pigments create expression? This exhibition focuses precisely on this question.
     Needless to say, it is the painting's world created by the pigments that is the expression in the work. But we must not forget that the pigments themselves also play an important role in a painting's expression. Pigments themselves have strong powers of expression. Pigments used for drawing are not simply abstract symbols indicating color but elements that emit sensible, sometimes even sensual, stimuli. The touch of a pigment on a canvas (or the absence of any trace of touch) can be inseparably connected with the world drawn in the work. Amid the ceaseless exchange between the artist and the pigments, the work creates a new expression.
     The "magic" change by which the pigments, which are materials, create a painting's world of affluent expression also appears to be a kind of miracle. The aim of this exhibition is to transmit this unique attraction of paintings.
Period: July 8 (Wednesday) - August 15 (Saturday), 2009 (special open days on August 22 [Saturday] and 23 [Sunday])
Venue: Musashino Art University